Amazon's Prime Day Sales Up, Shoppers Probably Used Same-Day Delivery

It is going to take a lot for retailers to outpace Amazon online. It's most recent initiative shows why the web-based e-retailer is spearheading the strategies that make today's e-commerce work.
Amazon's Prime Day was held earlier this week and the results from the big online sales campaign were successful. Internet Retailer discussed how Amazon captured online purchases from roughly 46 million Americans on Tuesday. Per Forrest Research, there are an estimated 244 million online shoppers in the US. Based on the numbers Internet Retailer estimated that Amazon had a $50 per average order value on Prime Day, which amounted to $2.32 billion in online transactions. This is a staggering number in comparison with other big name retailers that attempted to compete and marketed online sales of their own, like Wal-Mart, Kohl's and Target
Amazon Prime Day was the retailers biggest sales day in history. The article mentioned sales worldwide went up 60% and up 50% in the US. This affirms that more and more shoppers have become comfortable with making online purchases. Besides the benefit of online prices are usually lower than in stores, it keeps money in your wallet by eliminating any travel costs. With Same-Day Delivery, Amazon, Google, and others enable customers to get their online items just as fast as if they went to pick it up themselves.
Amazon is fully vested into the trendy service. In fact, its same-day delivery service is free for Prime members, which they probably utilized as a shipping option a few days ago. Earlier this year, Amazon expanded its' free Prime Now into more major US cities, bringing its' total service areas to 27, including San Francisco, San Diego, New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, Atlanta, Richmond, Orlando, and many more. Last-mile deliveries aids retailers to move product via web stores, creating the ease of buying online that shoppers like, especially when they have a peace of mind regarding the reliability of your service like Amazon has created.
For Prime Day, consumers were fairly pleased with what Amazon, as 52.8% of consumers rated their shopping experience as excellent. Some 38.9% described it as good and 8.3% rated it fair. None of the shoppers surveyed rated their experience poor, which speaks volumes to the satisfaction that Amazon provides. Out of an Internet Retailer survey of 191 online shopper the following day of Prime Day, 19.4% of the respondents stated that they made a purchase from Amazon. Its' conversion rate for those that visited was 46%, in comparison to an industry rate of 3%.
As Amazon continues to dominant online, more retailers are beginning to re-position and shift the way they do business online. If membership programs and same-day delivery are successful for Amazon, maybe they should do it also. To offer same-day delivery, A-1 Express is a Same-Day Courier that can develop optimal same-day logistic solutions quickly nationwide. The Houston Courier has the delivery expertise and the latest in courier technology to create the online shipping options that shoppers demand.
Reference: 7.13.16, www.internetretailer, Stefany Zaroban, 46 million Americans bought something on Amazon during Prime Day

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