Same-Day Delivery Race Heats Up, Deliv Acquires WeDeliver

The competition within online retail is intensifying as more and more companies pursue to meet on-demand shopping with same-day delivery. It is gripping retailers as a "must-have" service to thrive within a technology-driven business world. Physical store retailers aren't waiting until same-day delivery is the norm, because by that time, e-retailers like Google and Amazon, will have mounds of retail market.
One delivery company has found a need and niche to meet brick-and-mortar stores with same-day delivery where they are. Deliv, widely known for its partnership with department store leader Macy's, has announced it's official buyout of WeDeliver, a large delivery competitor in Chicago. Deliv now has an extensive market control in that area, which is one of the primary cities by companies to establish same-day delivery. It is clear Deliv is after becoming the biggest same-day provider nationwide, and everything that comes along with it, including more retail partnerships.
Deliv isn't expanding for mere growth, but also to not get outpaced by Amazon. Ingrid Bekkers, Deliv VP of Marketing, stated in the article, “Two-day delivery for retailers has become the norm, but retailers are feeling the need to respond to Amazon and its same-day delivery option”. Amazon has rolled out of same-day delivery in a number of cities; however, it recently announced offering Prime members free same-day delivery. Beginning in California, Amazon plans to expand into San Francisco Bay Area, Phoenix, San Diego, Baltimore, Boston, Dallas-Fort Worth, Indianapolis, New York, Philadelphia, Seattle-Tacoma, Washington DC, Tampa Bay, and Atlanta also.
Being on the transportation side, Deliv partners with a number of malls and well-known retailers to compete with e-retailers like Amazon. Mall stores like FootLocker have Deliv on call to pick up and deliver purchases online to their customer's front door. Macy's uses Deliv for same-day delivery in Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Jose, Houston, Chicago, Washington DC, New Jersey, and Seattle. In addition, sister company Bloomingdale's utilizes Deliv in San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Jose, and Chicago.
Macy's is not the only brick-and-mortar retailer on board with same-day delivery. Retail leader Wal-Mart has same-day delivery in multiple cities in the US and free same-day service in Canada. It also has Wal-MarttoGo, which allows online shoppers to pick up their order from stores. In February, Ace Hardware rolled out same-day delivery testing in 33 of its' 4,400 stores in Arizona, Texas, Colorado, Illinois, Maryland, and Florida. Also earlier this year in January, pet food company Petco partnered with Instacart to test two pilot programs for the service in San Francisco and Boston.
E-retail requires physical store retailers to get ahead of the curve, offering the convenience shoppers want. A-1 Express is a nationwide courier that mall and brick-and-mortar retailers can partner with for same-day delivery. With the latest courier technology and expertise, the New Jersey Courier can evaluate retailer needs and implement a same-day logistics solution fit for growth. To compete with Amazon, Deliv and others, A-1 Express is a superior delivery option in a tech-focused business world.
Reference: 6.24.15, Direct Marketing News, Al Urbanski, Same-Day Deliverer Expands in Chicago