Diapers.com Says Busy Moms Using Same-Day Delivery

It use to be challenging for parenthood moms taking care of their newborn or infant when those "suddenlies" occur, like running out of diapers. Not any more. Now for those moments, moms have turned to having their baby in one hand and a phone in the other, as they turn to same-day delivery for all sorts of baby items.
Mashable recently reported how Diapers.com is in a growing mobile market of moms buying immediate baby needs. Diapers.com experienced 50% of purchases made from a mobile device last year. This is up 25% from the year prior. Within a US retail market in which only mobile shopping accounted for 1% of total sales, Diapers.com is seeing a thriving trend as moms are going mobile. Moms are seeing the convenience in fast delivery when they run out of not only diapers, but other baby products like baby food, baby wipes, formula, and more.
"Moms send us stories all the time of nursing her baby at 3 a.m., realizing she's almost out of diapers or some other essential, placing an order with us through our app, and having the package show up at her door later that day," commented Michal Geller, a senior vice president of marketing and business development for Diapers.com. He went on to say, "Same-day delivery is a game-changer for busy moms". Most of the mobile shopping is happening from home or at work, not on the go. "Many of our customers cite that they place orders on their Diapers.com app while rocking or nursing their baby," Geller added.
The article mentions how the diaper market itself is forecasted to reach $52 billion worldwide by 2017. This is just one dynamic of a vast baby retail market, and the growth in one product will certainly affect another. Another relative forecast is how online retail overall is expected to reach $500 billion by 2018. With these figures, it's not a coincidence that Amazon made the move to buy Diapers.com and its family of sites — Soap.com and AfterSchool.com — for $550 million in 2010. Diapers.com now has access to Amazon warehouses, making their supply chain for delivery even more effortless to go along with its' popular app.
The app is specifically designed for one-handed use, which is great for moms. Customer shopping carts also stay connected to their account throughout the browsing process, even when toggling between laptop and smartphone. Geller mentioned that tablet use has "decreased significantly" in spite of its' mobile growth within the past year. "The modern mom — I see it from my wife and from my wife's friends — the phone has become such a useful tool to have at her side and in her pocket and in her hand. We're going to continue to see growth in that area. We absolutely believe that the phone is mom's co-pilot to some degree. To the extent that we want to be her best friend, we see those things go hand in hand", He said.
Diapers.com isn't the only retailer involved with same-day delivery. Google, Wal-Mart, Petco, Target, and more have all decided to dive into meeting on-demand shoppers where they are. Therefore moms have plenty of retail options, as well as couriers to deliver to them. A same-day courier like A-1 Express can help moms get baby products fast and retailers has a superior delivery partner to turn to. The New York Courier has a national footprint and the same-day logistics expertise needed for mobile shopping now and in the coming growth years ahead.
Reference: 7.8.15, www.mashable.com, Adrienne LaFrance, Mobile shopping's early adopters: New moms
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