Uber Announces Launch of New Drug Store Delivery Service

If there is one thing that people will continue to need is to take care of themselves, and drug stores have been strategically placed locally to do just that. No matter how close they are, the reality is some people don't have the means to get there and sometimes, they simply don't have the time. As the buzz for same-day delivery continues to flourish, Uber offers a new same-day delivery service to the drug store industry that appears will help heavily to meet this demand.
Taxi app company Uber has announced the launch of its new drug store on-demand delivery service. The service will pick up and deliver common items from the local drug store such as medicine, toiletries, and other drug store products. The name of Uber's new feature called "Uber Corner Store", is currently being tested in Washington, DC. Last year, Uber started a courier service in Manhattan to deliver flowers, ice cream and Christmas trees. Uber is pulling out all the stops to compete in the same-day delivery market.
The service is simple. A shopper can go on Uber's app, go to the "Corner Store" option and request a driver. Uber then sends a text message to a link with a list of items that they can purchase. An Uber driver then calls the shopper and takes their order, which is charged to the customer's Uber account. "The more you love it, the more likely it will last", said Uber in a blog post. The company just completed a funding round valued at $18.2 billion, which should easily help get the foundation for the service solid and active.
The once only personal transportation company, is looking to branch out from this business sector in hopes to expand into new markets. The delivery and transportation industry, combined with online business, has created an opportunity to create a niche in this area. The company that innovate, will be the e-retailer that thrives, as e-commerce continues to grow itself. By all means, e-retailers are rushing to see how fast they can get their products into a shoppers' hands without them having to lift a finger themselves.
As online retail grows over 16% annually, there is no doubt that same-day delivery is the solution for retailers, especially physical stores. Target, Macy's, BestBuy, Toys-R-Us, and others are all engaging in some form of same-day delivery. Phone provider Verizon Wireless also offers same-day delivery for itstelecommunication products. One of the most notables is Wal-Mart, which has launched same-day delivery from its' stores in a number of US cities. It also is testing "WalMarttoGo" in Denver, involving online customers picking up their orders at participating stores.
Big drug store retailer Wal-Green's has partnered with Google to get their items moving out the door. Uber appears to be doing the same and is entering this sector with high expectations. Retailers can partner with a Same-Day Courier like A-1 Express and get it done. The New York Courier has a national footprint and the ability to implement an optimal delivery system quickly, which is needed in order to keep stride with the growth of online retail innovations.
Reference: 8.19.14, CNN Money, James O'Toole, Uber launches drug store delivery service
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