Uber Makes Move To More Same-Day Delivery

It's a big deal when every large retailer and online company make investment after investment into a service that gets customers their products in the same day. The demand for same-day delivery continues to grow, just as many other services and products were moving into worldwide usage like the cell phone. Faster shipping and fast delivery offers shoppers the convenience they are after and retailers know it. This is why companies that offer similar service products are quickly deciding to join the action--and the profit.
Uber is a popular transportation service that can get anyone from point A to point B fast. With the growth of same-day delivery, it makes sense for Uber to do the same thing with online and physical store items. The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported the proof of Uber's plans regarding same-day delivery. Uber has picked up Google's Tom Fallows, former head of same-day delivery and e-commerce expert, to assist with its' business plans for growth.
The WSJ received an e-mail statement via Google from Tom Fallows regarding his shift to Uber. “Even though the next stage of my career takes me outside Google, I’m really excited to watch Google Express continue to thrive and expand”, stated Fallows. Google indeed has thrived since the two years Fallows was involved in rolling out the new, aspiring service. Now, Google offers same-day delivery is several major US cities, including its' service launch in Washington DC, Boston and Chicago. The new cities also brought along three new merchants, one located within their respective cities.
Uber is in hot pursuit to compete with retail giants, namely Amazon, to get a share of the retail market and move products for physical store chain. Google Express, formerly known as Google Shopping Express, provides brick-and-mortar retailers exactly what they need relative to same-day delivery. Google has partnered with Target, BestBuy, Wal-Green's, and more to get their products into a customers' hands within hours. Barnes & Noble has also joined with Google Express, closing a number of stores and offering customers same-day delivery of their online orders.
Same-day delivery isn't new to the transportation/taxi company. Uber has already been testing deliveries of items including ice cream, flu shots and fresh meals. UberESSENTIALS was also just launched in August in parts of Washington, DC, letting users order over 60 items, such as deodorant, batteries, chips and popcorn. Inspite of the talk regarding Google and Uber, the two many end of working together. Google Venture has also invested more than $200 million into Uber's business.
Google and Uber could end up working together to compete against Amazon, Wal-Mart, eBay, and others. The common thread for accomplishing success with same-day delivery is the actual delivery system itself. This is why a same-day courier like A-1 Express would be ideal for any retailer looking to tackle same-day delivery and make it a core competency service product. The Los Angeles courier understanding fast deliveries from a simple approach and with quick implementation, which is very fitting for the upcoming holiday season.
References: 11.7.14, The Wall Street Journal, Alistair Barr and Douglas MacMillan, Uber Picks Up Google’s Head of Same-Day Delivery
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