Business Insider Talks Same-Day Delivery

No one thought that more companies would be making a legitimate push toward implementing same-day delivery, but they have. As the online retail industry grows at least 16% annually and tech gadgets rise, shoppers have access to buying all types of items, literally from the palm of their hands. So much so that web-based retailers finally see the light on how same-day delivery can offer the profit needed for sustainability Google and Amazon are at the top of the list, as e-retailers are getting a share of the market from physical store retailers. Now brick-and-mortar companies are fighting back, getting involved in same-day delivery themselves.
Business Insider (BI) recently reported on how brick-and-mortar stores have one major advantage versus e-retailers, which is their ability for customers to go into their stores and purchase their items the same day. Online retailers were at a lost until same-day delivery has now come into the picture and equalizing the playing field. BI mentioned 2% of shoppers that live in cities that offer same-day delivery have actually used it. This means roughly $100 million worth of merchandise will be delivered same-day in 2014 in 20 US cities. As the likes of Amazon and Google to continue to chip away at the distance between the customer and the item, more and more shoppers are expected to take advantage of the convenient service.
Also BI mentioned the expectations and interests of consumers when it comes to same-day delivery. Four out of 10 US shoppers stated that they would use the service if they didn't have time to make a run to the store themselves. Another stat was that 1 out of 4 customers said they would abandon their online shopping cart if same-day delivery was not a service option. Therefore, the time to receive items faster online is becoming a driving demand by the consumer, not just the e-retailer. The result could be any online retailer will have to offer the service to really compete on a high e-commerce level.
Physical stores do have the advantage of being in close proximity of shoppers, yet when they can combine this with e-commerce is when their retail business becomes most effective. Wal-Mart is an example of a large retailer that is offering same-day delivery in multiple US cities and testing online pick up from a number of local stores in Denver. It gives all of their customers the option of have it delivered to their home or ordering online, then going to pick it up. Same-day delivery is what is making online retailing so attractive, even Wal-Mart thought it best to offer it.
Large scale brick-and-mortar retailers like Wal-Mart and Macy's have made the shift into investing more into online sales, implementing same-day delivery. Wal-Mart offers it in several US cities, including "Wal-Marttogo". The program offers customers the online option of picking up their purchase from a local participating store. The retailer started testing the program in Denver this year. Macy's has taken the retail world by storm with its' aggressive move to roll-out same-day delivery in multiple large US cities at one time. The cities will include Chicago, Houston, San Jose, Los Angeles, San Francisco, D.C., Seattle, and New Jersey.
More and more brick-and-mortar retailers are joining in, especially with Google to deliver items picked up from stores like Target, Wal-Green's, BestBuy and others. Whether a company is web-based or a physical store, same-day delivery is proving to be necessary to thrive within today's technology-based market. A same-day courier like A-1 Express can partner with any company and deliver same-day any where in the US. The New Jersey courier can quickly implement a same-day logistics solution for any retailer after more market share, especially as the holiday season approaches.
Reference: 10.25.14, Business Insider, Cooper Smith, Same-Day Delivery Services Are Going After Brick-And-Mortar Retailers’ Last Big Advantage
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