EBay Launches "Shoppable Window" In New York, Will Use Same-Day Courier For Deliveries

EBay has been one the largest online retailers for quite some time, competing against Amazon for superiority. The company has been implementing various e-retail business strategies to get ahead, including one-hour same-day delivery within cities on the west coast. Now, eBay has created another service program, however, it will begin in the big apple of New York.
EBay has announced it will be launching a "shoppable window" in New York this month. These windows are actual virtual stores in which are being set up to generate more sales from their physical store networks. The first four of the screens opened on June 8th and will continue until July 7th. The EBay window will be selling various items from current and new fashion brands. The window has been set up since late last year, however, shoppers were not allowed to make any purchases with the screen. This service window will be set up on the doors outside of closed stores.
Shoppers will have the ability to go to the shoppable window, place an order and have their products delivered via a same-day courier to their doorstep. Payments for their orders will be accepted by the courier via Ebay-owned PayPal. This will be a very convenient service for customers and will increase the reachability of brick-and-mortar retailers to online shoppers. EBay has continued to partner will store retailers to develop a business model to increase their online sales. Companies such as Target and Macy's are just a few of the companies eBay is implementing the shoppable window business strategy.
Ebay's shoppable windows are being stated by experts as a platform to shift to mobile shopping. "This extends the boundary of the store. Suddenly the physical store, by virtue of online technology, extends to any space that's interesting to use," said EBay's Head of Innovation and New Ventures Group Steve Yankovich. Their pursuit of mobile shopping could definitely be the case. Recently, eBay announced roll-out of a one-hour same-day delivery service. The service is available via their mobile app--eBay Now. Through eBay Now, shoppers can place on order and have it in their hands within one-hour.
"We would never be able to fit all those products in a store in the traditional way," Chief Executive William McComb said regarding the shoppable window being used to launch a new fashion brand. He went on stating, "These things would typically require an extra 10,000 square feet of store space. But through partnerships like this eBay one we could do this through stores that are 2,000 square feet".
EBay utilizing a courier service for the new shoppable window confirms that same-day delivery works. Same-day couriers like A-1 Express can assist any e-retailer to provide various courier innovative solutions to fit excel within the online business industry. A-1 Express has the expertise to develop same-day delivery solution, including fast service and cost savings for its' customers nationwide.
References: 6.5.13, Reuters, Alistair Barr, EBay to open 'shoppable windows' in New York

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