Wall Street Transcript Forecasts Consumer Demand To Increase For Same-Day Delivery

In recent years, there has been a growing pursuit of same-day delivery by online retailers. E-commerce is currently growing at an annual rate of 16% per year. With the use of mobile devices, such as ipads, smartphones and tablets, many experts forecast online business shows no signs of slowing down. As online growth increases, the option for same-day delivery is increasing as a viable option for online orders.
According to the Wall Street Transcript, same-day delivery will not only be a viable option, but will become a standard consumer demand within the e-retail industry. It has just published an internet services report, reviewing topics such as increased mobile content traffic, Chinese online monetization trends, internet infrastructure and services consolidation, an social networking economics. The report informs serious investors and industry executives of what is forecasted to come regarding certain sectors. The feature provides interviews with public company CEOs and Equity Analysts regarding the discussed industries.
Within the report, the companies discussed are online retailers involved in some level of same-day delivery and online shipping. Those included in the report are Amazon, Google, eBay, Nordstrom, Yahoo, and more. Within one of the report excerpts, an expert analyst discusses the outlook of the industry and what is to come for the online retail industry. One question the expert was asked to talk about was the next battle within the e-commerce war. The above mentioned companies are engaged in fulfillment and omnichannel capabilities within e-commerce. With online giants such as Amazon and eBay, the expert also discussed other players in the e-commerce war that will have an impact on the industry in the future.
Mr. Pitz offers insight on the companies and the impact of same-day delivery. One of his quotes from the report regarding online retailers was he stated, "We believe as companies including Amazon continue to build out their capabilities in same-day delivery, same-day delivery eventually becomes a have-to-have for the average consumer, although that customer may not even know it yet". He mentions same-day delivery will shift into the same scale of demand as two-day shipping, which Amazon launched years ago. Same-day delivery will become a value-added service to consumers.
He continued on regarding Amazon being a key player, driving the offer of the same-day delivery option to consumers. "So we believe Amazon will continue to raise the bar and provide consumers with the merchandise that they thought they would receive in two days, but actually receive in one day or less", stated Mr. Pitz. Amazon-owned companies such as Quidsi, has brands Soap.com and Diapers.com, which are successfully offering same-day delivery. Amazon also implemented in its' fulfillment centers what is called the Kiva System. This system is used to optimize small package shipments and improves productivity for shipping. With Amazon using this system, the company will continue to create efficiencies and ship faster.
The direction is clear that same-day delivery is creating a major revolution in the business world and brick-and-mortar stores have to make the shift. Large retailers such as Wal-Mart, Macy's, and Target are testing same-day delivery as well. Same-day courier services like A-1 Express can be partners of Amazon, Wal-Mart, or any other retailer seeking to provide same-day delivery. The Los Angeles Courier has a national footprint and can quickly implement a courier logistics solution for the increase of consumer demand for same-day delivery to come.
References: 5.21.13, Yahoo News, The Wall Street Transcript, Consumers Expected to Start Demanding Same-Day Delivery Shipping as an Increasing Number of Online Retailers Begin to Offer the Option
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