U.K.’s Retailer Argos Competing Online Via Same-Day Delivery

The online market is evolving as the place of business to invest in for the future. This is true for not only the United States, but also worldwide. United Kingdom's retail chain Argos is pursuing great strides to take e-commerce by storm and appears is utilizing different delivery methods to do it.
Internet Retailer has reported Argos is competing online using same-day delivery of their retail products. The company is a key multichannel retailer of general merchandise in the United Kingdom. Argos operates over 730 stores there. Through London-based leading courier Shutl, Argos is providing same-day delivery to almost half of its' customers nationwide. The deliveries are currently offered within a 10 mile radius of an individual store.
The Argos delivery service involves online automation on their site at checkout. If a customer lives within an area Shutl provides delivery services, they are offered the option to have their items shipped via same-day delivery and also same-hour delivery. Argos has been partnering with Shutl since 2010.
Shutl is the courier Argos has partnered with to offer same-day delivery to its' customers and has seen results. Argos Home Delivery Director Brian McCarthy stated in the report, "The Shutl option is shown to the customer at the very end of their shopping journey and, theoretically, we have already converted the customer. However, from the repeat occurrences and the positive feedback we have received from users, it is both a fast and convenient way of getting goods to the customer, and offers yet another route that give customers added choice and convenience.”
United Kingdom is not the only country where same-day delivery is clearly being recognized and pursued as a competitive advantage online. The US Postal Service is currently testing same-day delivery via Metro Post in San Francisco right now. The Postal Service has lost billions in recent years and is seeking ways to increase sales. Retail giants such as eBay and Wal-Mart are also testing same-day delivery in various markets throughout the US. It is no secret same-day delivery is a viable option and it works.
Online companies and retailers are partnering with same-day courier services like A-1 Express to compete online nationwide. This Dallas courier offers same-day delivery courier solutions for small packages, palletized freight and more. With the latest courier technology and industry expertise, A-1 Express is able to help companies excel with their order fulfillment and satisfy their online customers. A courier is the best choice for online business deliveries as e-commerce demands grow.
Reference: 1.24.13, Internet Retailer, Paul Demery, Same-day delivery helps U.K.’s Argos retail chain compete online
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