With Megaupload.com Shutdown, How Will It Affect Online Business?

Just when it seemed like it could not get any worse, it did. The internet struggle continues on and a large blow took place this week. Due to piracy and criminal actions, the government shut down file-sharing site Megaupload.com. This comes shortly after the online protest of numerous of companies against the proposed Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and the Protect Intellectual Property Act (PIPA).
The Washington Post reported Megaupload.com was indicted for paying its' users to engage in uploading illegal movies and music, which they in turn would sell to their own customers. The company was found generating $175 million for user fees and subscriptions, yet at the same time, stealing $500 million from the creators of the movies and music.
There are supporters and opposers alike, who each have legitimate reasons for their positions. Opposers agree the freedom withing the internet is critical for its' progress and growth. Piracy is one issue, however, when it involves the government having authority to shut your business website down at even the accusation of infringing on any copyrighted material is another. If a small business's website is shut down, this can be damaging their reputation and sales.
Supporters of the SIPA and PIPA, such as the Motion Picture Association of America, feel piracy is robbing their industry. The association's head Christopher Dodd had candid remarks about lawmaker's and their decision on the two acts due to be voted on later this month. “Those who count on Hollywood for support need to understand this industry is watching very carefully," said the former Senator Dodd in a recent Fox News interview. "Don’t ask me to write a check for you when you think your job is at risk and then don’t pay attention to me when my job is at risk.”
After the alarming shutdown on Thursday, many wonder how this is going to affect online business. Business file-sharing and websites are so key to the way we do business today. It's as essential as having a solid scheduled delivery service for the very products that are sold through your website. Courier Services like A-1 Express can help companies that face any online challenges and deliver every time.
References: 1.20.12, www.washingtonpost.com, Cecilia Kang, Megaupload shutdown raises new Internet-sharing fears
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