Black Friday Results-Online Sales Up 24%

The success in sales online on Black Friday was not alone. Store sales rose almost 7% this year. ShopperTrak, the world's largest provider of retailing foot traffic, stated store sales increased to $11.4 billion, which is $1 billion more than 2010. Interestingly enough, purchases via mobile devices accounted for 9.8% of the online sales, far surpassing the much lower 3.2% of last year. Consumers used their mobile devices to not only shop, but to perform price comparisons. Devices like the Apple ipad and iphone accounted for 10% of online traffic.
Black Friday is generally held as the beginning of the holiday shopping season and so far it's off to a great start. The question many retailers are asking is will the strong momentum carry throughout the entire holiday season. Companies can keep their online sales going if they can find a way to keep relatively good pricing. Using a courier delivery service is a cost-effective delivery system that can meet online demand. Couriers like A-1 Express have a national footprint, enabling them to assist fulfillment centers anywhere in the country. They can provide a logistical solution to help companies to continue to do well online this holiday season.
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